Bring Your Performance to Higher Level with Atex SportsTex Kinesio Tape

ATEX is the largest Kinesiology Therapeutic Tape OEM manufacturer in South Korea with over 15 years of experience. We export premium quality Private-Labeled tapes to over 30 countries worldwide. Ever since Olympians and professional athletes made the tape become famous, today it is widely accepted by medical practitioners and athletes worldwide to treat and prevent injuries. The SportsTex Kinesiology tape is a very thin, porous, stretchy cotton fabric that bonds to the skin to treat, prevent, and protect the body before, during, and after various injuries. SportsTex Bulk roll Size: 5cm x 32m (2” x 105’) Composition: 97% Premium Cotton, 3% Polyurethane Colors: Black, Blue, Beige, and Pink Description · If you are a heavy user the Bulky Uncut Roll is the best option. You can cut the tapes in whatever size and shape you need. Don’t forget to round the edges after cutting.Full range motion renderi...